Rater’s Intention Towards Appraising Accurately


  • MUHAMAD ALI EMBI School of Government, College of Law, Government and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • LOW KAH CHOON School of Government, College of Law, Government and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia




performance appraisal accuracy


The aim of this article is to stimulate thoughts and
introduce new prospects to the study of performance
appraisal accuracy, especially in the raters’ perspective.
It focuses on a relatively understudied aspect
of performance appraisal which is raters’ intention
towards appraising accurately. In order to understand
the application of this aspect, this paper attempts
to develop a conceptual framework based
on hypotheses of the direct and indirect factors that
predict the raters’ intention to appraise accurately.
It is hypothesized that the raters’ experience in appraising,
raters’ perceived purposes of appraisal,
and raters’ perceived information adequacy for appraising
will predict the raters’ intention towards
appraising accurately by influencing the raters’ attitude
towards appraising accurately, raters’ perceived
subjective norms towards appraising accurately, and
raters’ perceived behavioral control towards appraising
Keywords: performance appraisal accuracy, behavioral
intentions, attitudes, perceived subjective norms,
perceived behavioral control, background factors


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